O God, my Father,
I invite the Divine Will to reign in me today just as It does in Heaven, as it did in Jesus and Mary when They were upon the earth. I want all my thoughts, words, and actions to be done in and by the Divine Will, animated and directed by the Divine Will. I want everything that is done through my humanity to be done in the ambience of Eternity. I want all that I do to fulfill the purpose of Creation, and to realize the ideal that You, Heavenly Father had in creating the human race. I want all my acts to multiply to the infinite, to penetrate everywhere, to embrace all eternity.
I want all my acts today to be adored by the Angels because of being filled with the Life of God Himself! I want all my acts in the Divine Will to reproduce the Life of Jesus. As my acts begin, I want them to form the Conception and Birth of Jesus; as my acts are carried out, I want them to form the hidden and public lives of Jesus; as my acts conclude, I want them to form the Death and Resurrection of Jesus.
I want my acts of this day to spill over into the Heavenly regions, showering the Angels and Saints with new joys, new glories, new beatitudes; and I call all the Angels and Saints to join me today in all that I do. I want all my acts to effectively impetrate the Reign of the Divine Will on earth as in Heaven.
My God, I want all my acts today to enrapture You, to bring You ecstasies’ of new and ever increasing joys.
I want all my acts today in the Divine Will to repair all human acts, past, present, and future to make them all Divine acts for Your honor and glory, my Father.
I want all my acts today to penetrate every creature ever created past, present, and future to bring to you, Father, an “I love You, adore You, praise You, and thank You” from every thought, word, and deed ever done by them, or ever will be done by them.
I love You, my God, divinely, infinitely, eternally. I love You for as long as You have been God and for as long as You will be God, which is Eternity itself, with Your own Will, in the name of all generations past, present, and future. I love You, my God, my Father, the Author of my life!