
18/11/2015 16:21

The Harmony between the Human Will and theDivine Will of Jesus

Jesus is both God and man.  As God He is divine, eternal, infinite—of the same Essence and Nature as the Father and the Holy Spirit.  As God He is pure spirit, pure simple Being ofIntelligence and Will in one, single, never-ending Act.  He is all powerful, all wise, all love, immense, beautiful, happy, all holy and perfect.

As man He is also divine, not by his human nature, but because of his intimate union with theDivinity of his Divine Person, which communicates Its divine qualities to his humanity, especially to his human soul.  As man Jesus had a human soul and body.  His soul has a human intellect, human will, and human memory; therefore, the Humanity of Jesus is made to the Image of God the Holy Trinity.  But this Image is a perfect Image because the soul of Jesus is also made to the full Likeness of the Holy Trinity.  This Likeness is full and complete because the essence of Jesus’ soul is possessed by the Essence of the Holy Trinity.  The Divine Essence compenetrates the essences of both the body and soul of Jesus, communicating Divine Life and Divine Love to all ofJesus’ Humanity, which in turn makes a full, reciprocal exchange of Life and Love to the Holy Trinity. 

The Divinity and Humanity of Jesus possess one another, and the Greater expands the capacity ofthe lesser, communicating Its qualities and activity to the lesser, thus satisfying the Divine Nature’s totally giving, sharing, and communicating Charity.

Now, the Divine Essence is none other than the Divine and Eternal Will of the Trinity.  The essenceof Jesus’ human soul is his human will.  These two distinct wills are inseparable, and they always act inseparably.  They always act as one, acting simultaneously, with the very same intention at the very same instant.  This action is all divine, infinite and eternal, because the Divine Will acting in Jesus is divine, infinite and eternal; and all the divine qualities are communicated to the human willing of Jesus because the two wills are so perfectly united together.  The Divine Will deifies his human activity, transforming and elevating his human acts, beautifying them with divine and enrapturing beauty, and sanctifying them with divine sanctity.

The Divine Intellect communicates Itself to the human intelligence of Jesus’ soul, infusing knowledge into his human intellect.  With this infused knowledge, the soul of Jesus is completely capable of always forming the exact same intention as does his Divinity at every instant for the fulfilling of his activity as Man-God.  Thus, every thought, word, deed, movement of the Humanity ofJesus is completely harmonious and in perfect union with the Action of his Divinity and with that ofthe Father and the Holy Spirit.  Never for an instant did the human will of Jesus offer the slightest disharmony, the slightest interference, the slightest impediment, or the slightest contrariety of any kind to the free action of his Divinity operating within Him.

Because the two wills of the Man-God were so merged and united together, the one possessing the other, that whatever one does, the other also does.  Therefore, since the Divine Will is continually circulating through all things, creating, conserving, and supplying the prime movement to all activity of all things, the human will of Jesus is also circulating with the Divine Will through all things, sharing directly in the creating, conserving action of the Divine Will, and the supplying of the prime movement to all activity of all things.  Conversely, the Divine Will does all that the human willof Jesus does and did: thinking, speaking, praying, walking, repairing, instituting Sacraments, offering Himself to the Father for the satisfaction of the sins of mankind, resurrecting from the dead, etc., and now experiencing the unimpeded glories and joys of Paradise.

All the acts of Jesus, especially the acts of his interior life, from the most insignificant to the greatest, were accomplished in the ambience of Eternity, and they multiplied forever—as long as God is God; they embraced all eternity, enclosing all that eternity contains; they penetrated everywhere, enclosed the very Life of God.

The interior life of Jesus communicated new joys, glories, and beatitudes to the Angels and also to the Saints, who would enter Heaven after the time of the Ascension.  His acts continually formed new heavens, new suns, new stars of love, glory, light, and adoration in his soul, with such multiform and ravishing beauty, as to astonish the very Angels, and enrapture and fascinate his Divine Father to the point of Him being inebriated with joy.

Each act of his interior life was of more value than Heaven and earth, vastly exceeding the value ofthe combined acts of all the Angels, saints, and martyrs of all times.  Each of his interior acts enclosed his own Self and his own Life—his Conception, Birth, Life on earth, Death, and Resurrection.  All his interior acts were incorporated and identified in the eternal light of the DivineWill.  The Power, Wisdom, and reciprocal Love of the three Divine Persons reverberated and were enclosed in all the interior life of the Man-God.

Each act of his interior life spoke universally and continuously to the Father words of love, adoration, praise, glory and gratitude for Himself and all creatures.  Each of his acts emitted a steady outpouring of oceans of Divine “I LOVE YOUs!” to each creature of the past, present, and future; and other oceans of joys and beatitudes to the inhabitants of Heaven.  The acts of Jesus multiplied the Glory of God in creation, and the whole Trinity delighted in the sight of Its own action in the acts of Jesus.