
18/11/2015 16:22

February 8, 2015:  If Adam had not Sinned

The Original Sin was the disobedience of Adam, primogenitor of the human race. The primary effect of that Original Sin was the withdrawal of the human will from its unity with the Divine Will. TheDivine Will had resided within Adam’s human will to be the vital principal of Adam’s humanity, animator of his activity, and the generator of the Eternal Life of God within Adam, with divineattributes, including divine sanctity and divine beauty.

If Adam had not withdrawn from the Divine Will, death would not have entered the human race, nor would any illness of soul or body, nor suffering have touched anyone. There would have been no sin or disorder and no one would have gone to Hell, nor would Purgatory have been needed to prepare souls for Life in Heaven.

But would Jesus have assumed human nature and come among us, if Adam had not sinned?

While Luisa was placing on paper the mysteries of the Divine Will that Jesus made known to her, He told her that it was an unchangeable decree of the Holy Trinity that He, the Second Person ofthe Trinity, would become man and enter into the society of human beings on earth.  Thus, He would come down to earth as man and God, whether Adam would sin or not sin.

The purpose of the creation of man was that the first human parents would live faithfully in the Life ofthe Divine Will and pass the necessary Test to keep the Great Gift which God had given them. Having passed their Test, God would have blessed them and all their progeny with a special grace that would preserve everyone in the original state of man:  living the same Life of the Divine Will as God Himself as His legitimate and healthy children and dear companions.

To fulfill the decree of Holy Trinity that the Word would assume human nature and come to earth, the plan of God was that Jesus come to earth in glory and triumph, with His army of Angels. His splendor of glory would have charmed everyone, drawn to Him by His beauty. He would have been crowned as King, bearing the scepter of command, and visibly the Head of the human family. And in the mystery of time and Eternity, Mary would have been His Mother!

Jesus as King of the Divine Will would have been the Teacher of Its marvelous mysteries, and when the Glory of the Father was completed on earth, everyone would have been absorbed into His glorified Body and would have risen triumphantly to Heaven to live the Life of the Divine Will in the enjoyment of the Beatific Vision for an unending Eternity.

Man did sin and fail his Test, but the Divine Decree that the Word would come to earth with a human nature did not change—only the manner and appearance of His coming changed. He came to earth poor, with no display of Glory. He suffered and wept, with all the miseries and sufferings ofmankind weighing upon Him.  He found man unhappy, wretched, and burdened with the effects ofOriginal Sin.  Jesus had to take man’s sorrowful condition upon Himself and had to give them the remedies and medicines that they needed. And before his horrifying death on the Cross, He taught his unhappy children to pray to their Heavenly Father for His Kingdom, the Kingdom of the DivineWill, to come, so that at the appointed future time, man could regain the happiness of his original state and complete the Glory of the Father as intended in the beginning.

Thomas Fahy (team effort)