
18/11/2015 16:23

 How Do We Practically Advance?

Our Mother taught one of the Exemplars of the new and divineholiness that there is a powerful aid to advancing more quickly: namely constantly calling on the name of Jesus!  This is especially true so we can embrace all the suffering and sacrifices so absolutely necessary for the operating Life of God to actually form within us.  When we experience our weakness, we must call upon His Name.  When we feel no progress, call upon His Name and He will come to our aid. When we wake, call Jesus; when we pray, call Jesus; when we work, call Jesus; when we recreate, call Jesus; when we eat, call Jesus; when we sleep call Jesus!  By calling always, we come to continuous prayer...we give up our self for Him at each moment. The name of Jesus is so powerful that those who follow this instruction will be given all the Grace they need to perfectly carry out  God's plan and mandate for them....but we must call Jesus always and love the name....my most adorable Jesus!

2.    When a soul prays in the Divine Will and loves, makes reparation, adores and kisses Jesus, He feels in her as though everyone were giving Him these prayers, reparations, kisses, etc.  And because the Divine Will encompasses all things and all souls, the soul who acts in the Divine Will gives Him the kiss, the love, the adoration of everyone.

So, when Jesus finds everyone in this soul, He gives to her so many kissess and so much love for however much He would want give to everyone.  The soul in the Divine Will is not content if she does not see Jesus filled with the love of everyone, and kissed, adored and prayed to by all.

Thomas Fahy (team effort)