June 15, 2014:
Luisa Piccarreta learned from Jesus that even humility does not exist in the Divine Will. She understood that what does exist in theDivine Will, on the part of the soul, is pure nothingness, and any good which can be done is from the operating of the All in the nothing. The All forms Its Life in the nothing. And when the soul really wants to live in the Divine Will and makes her decision to do so, the Most Holy Trinity takes Its place in that soul to begin Its operating Life in her. And because this action is an Act of the DivineWill, the Queen of Heaven, the Angels, the Saints, and all created things want to take their place of honor in that Act.
Jesus further instructed Luisa that with a single Act of Divine Will, the soul encloses and embraces everything, including all that Jesus did on earth, to give all this to the Holy Trinity. In exchange the Holy Trinity makes descend from Heaven incalculable benefits for all.
"The soul has a free will. That is where the danger lies. If one is not sincerely willing to work at self-perfection, then the efforts ofothers on one's behalf are of no use." *
St. Maximilian Kolbe
*It seems that this good counsel of St. Maximilian would also apply to what we learn from Luisa Piccarreta —that how living in theDivine Will is not about personal holiness but about living the way ofthe original religion of Eden, in which all was done in an universal manner for the Glory of the Most Holy Trinity with no thought of self.
Thomas Fahy (team effort)