
18/11/2015 16:25

Sunday, May 25, 2014

(1)       Fusing oneself in the Divine Will is to unite oneself so intimately with the Eternal Will so as to form, as it were, a single entity operating and living together as one. The soul becomes identified with the Divine Will and does together with It whatever the Persons of the Holy Trinity do with Their One Will.  To fuse oneself in the Divine Will is the most noble and solemn act of one’s life. This act, repeated, brings one to live in the Divine Will, killing one’s life in the human will and forms a most noble and meritorius martyrdom of the soul that far surpassess even martyrdom of the body. Fusing and living in the Divine Will is to make of oneself a continuous martyr to the Supreme Being,

The idea of fusing one’s will in the Divine Will can be compared analogically to the waters of a small stream entering the waters of a large river. The waters that were coursing in the small stream, still exist, but are now identfied with the large river, take on the qualities of the large river, and do whatever the large river does, while going wherever the large river goes. 

To fuse oneself in the Divine Will, one can express one’s desire to do so, in a variety of ways, such as: “Jesus, I want to enter your Eternal Will and live one life together with It” or “Come Divine Will and reign freely in me as you do in Heaven” or  “Jesus, I give you my will, my life, and myself in exchange for your Will, your Life and Yourself.”  Even meaningfully calling the Divine Will in your prevenient and actual or current acts are acts of fusing one’s will in the Divine Will.”

Jesus recommends fusing oneself in the Divine Will very often. This is what He told Luisa Piccarreta: "If you knew what you do and what happens when you fuse yourself in my Will, you woud die of desire to fuse yourself continually."

(2)       The difference between the the sacramental lives of Jesus and His lives that He forms in the souls who live in the Divine Will is incaluable, said Jesus to the prime exemplar of the new anddivine holiness, Luisa Piccarreta.  He said to her that the the difference between those two ways is greater than the difference between Heaven and earth, pointing out that the principal difference is that His life in the soul who lives in the Divine Will is never a life alone but one of dearest companionship filled with the greatest joy and happiness.  It is good for souls to know that as He forms His life in the thoughts of the soul who lives in the Divine Will, He feels the companionship ofthe human mind, which courts Him and loves Him.  The human mind understands Him and the soul places its memory, intellect and will in His power as companions to His eternal memory, to his eternal Wisdom, and one’s will, fused with His, loves Him with His own eternal love.