
24/11/2015 17:36

The Wonders of Living in the Divine Will

Jesus to Luisa: “Moreover it is certain that I have called you first over other souls. Because to no other souls, however much I have loved them, have I shown how to live in My Will — the effects, the marvels, the riches that the creature receives who acts in My Supreme Will. Search the lives of the Saints as much as you wish or in books of doctrine and you will not find the wonders of My Will operating in the creature and the creature acting in My Will. The most you will find will be resignation, abandonment, the union of wills. But the Divine Will working in the Creature and the creature in My Will, you will not find this in anyone. This signifies that the time had not arrived in which My kindness would call the creature to live in such a sublime state. Moreover, even the way I ask you to pray is not found in any other...” (p. xix, BH, Vol.12).

In vol. 23, March 8, 1928 Jesus says: “These writings cost me more than creation and redemption. They have within them all the value of My Will.”

The Sanctity of Sanctities

“The sanctity of the other virtues is quite known throughout the Church and whoever wants can imitate it. For that reason I am in no hurry to disseminate its knowledge. But the sanctity of living in My Will, its effects, the worth that it contains, the final touch that My creative hand will give the creature to make him similar to Me is not yet known. This is why it is urgent that all I have said to you be known. And if you do not do this, you would, so to speak, restrict My Will and repress in Me the flames that consume Me and cause Me to delay the complete glory that creation owes Me.” (p. 2 BH)

Jesus to Luisa: “My daughter, My Will is the Sanctity of Sanctities. Therefore, the soul that does My Will according to the perfection that I teach you, that is, on earth as It is in Heaven, no matter how little, unknown, or ignorant she may be, she will surpass all the other Saints despite their prodigies, striking conversions and miracles. Moreover, the souls who do My Will, as in My Third 'Fiat,' are the queens; and all the others are as if they were at their service. The souls that do My Will in this manner appear as though they do nothing, yet they do everything. Because by remaining in My Will they act divinely, secretly and in a surpassing way. Such souls are the lights that illuminate, winds that purify, fire that burns, miracles that make miracles occur because it is in these souls that the power to perform them resides. Whereas those doing the miracles are only channels” (BH, p. 38).

Jesus to Luisa: “With three FIATs I will complete the work of sanctification in man.... The generations will not cease until My Will reigns on earth. My Redemptive FIAT will interpose itself between the Creative FIAT and the Sanctifying FIAT. They will entwine, all three together, and bring to fulfillment the sanctification of man. The Third FIAT (i.e. Luisa's) will give creatures such grace that they will return almost to their original state. Only when I have seen man as he emerged from Me, will My work be complete. Then will I enjoy perpetual repose in this, My last FIAT. Only the Life of My Will shall return man anew to his original state. Therefore, be attentive and together with Me, help Me accomplish the sanctification of creatures.” (P. 125, BH).

Jesus to Luisa: “This is the Supreme Unity. There also exists the poor and lowly union in which the soul is resigned to My Will. Yes, but such a soul does not see My dispositions as her own, as her life. Neither is she happy in My Will; nor does she lose her will in Mine. I see that one, yes; but she does not manage to enamor Me. Nor does she cause Me to become enchanted with love for her, as happens with the one who lives in the Supreme Unity.” (BH, p. 38).

Jesus to Luisa: “ My All-Seeingness I see that these writings will be for My church as a new sun that will rise in her midst. And men, attracted by its radiating light, will strive to transform themselves into this light to become spiritualized and divinized, thereby, renewing the Church, they shall transform the face of the earth.” (p. 3,4 BH).

Jesus to Luisa: “These revelations regarding My Volition will be as a balm to heal the wounds produced by the human will. Whoever has the benefit of this knowledge will feel the flow of a new life of light, of grace and of strength to fulfill My Will in everything.... My daughter, the Kingdom of My Will is invincible. In these writings I have placed superabundant light, grace and attraction to make My kingdom victorious. To the extent that these writings become known, they will wage a sweet battle against the human will and will win.” (p. 16, BH).

Jesus to Luisa: “By living in this Divine Volition, the soul is clothed in a light similar to the light of the One in Whom she lives. And even in Heaven she will shine more brightly than the others and will be for the very Saints the cause of greater glory.” (p. 23).

“ live in My Will is to reign in It and with It, while to do My Will is to be at My orders. ...To live in My Will is to live with a single Will — God's Will — a Will all Holy, all Pure, all Peace. And since one Will alone reigns, there are no conflicts; all is peace.”

Jesus to Luisa: “Thus the soul, until she is buried in My Will and dies completely in It, by disintegrating her volition in Mine, cannot come forth again to a new Divine Life with the resurgence of all the virtues of Christ which contain the true Sanctity.” (p. 28, BH).

Jesus says to Luisa: “Although sorrow for one's faults is good and praiseworthy, it does not destroy one's own essence. On the other hand, abandoning oneself completely in My Will destroys one's own essence and causes one to reacquire the Divine Essence.... And in reacquiring God, she reacquires all the benefits that God Himself possesses. It is only when the soul is completely in the Will of God that she reacquires God. And if she leaves My Will, she reacquires her own essence, together with all the evils of her corrupt nature.” (BH, p. 29).

Jesus to Luisa: “The only thing that should matter to you is that you dissolve your Will completely in Mine, because for him who lives in My Will, it is intimate union, not just for a quarter of an hour but always, always. Since My Will is in continuous Communion with the soul, not only once a day, but every hour, every moment, it is always Communion for him who lives in My Will.” (BH, p. 34).

Jesus to Luisa: “They will no longer act on the human plane, but will penetrate into My Will; and their acts, now all divine, will be multiplied for all creatures.” (p. 94 BH).

Jesus: “My good daughter, Our Love is such that, everywhere and in every place — even in the most tiny blade of grass, in the air that the creature breathes, in the water she drinks; even underneath her steps, as she treads the ground — we send Our voices, Our spasmodic cries of Love — 'I love you, I love you, I love you!...' But Our Love can't find peace, feeling that It's not listened to by the creature, and not hearing her repeating: 'I love You, I love You...' And in Our delirium of love We say: ' anybody listening to Us? Oh-h...! Nobody is saying to Us 'I love You, I love You?' Why then say 'I love you, I love you', if nobody returns it to Us? To whom do We say 'I love you' the air, to the wind, to the empty space? Our love you doesn't know where to go — where to lean — if it doesn't find the 'I love you' of the creature to receive it and return it with her own, so that her love may find refuge inside Our immense Love, leaning on It, and growing more and more.'

When the creature listens to Our 'I love you' and returns it, in Our emphasis of love — as if reconciled by her love, We say: 'Finally, We've been heard. Our Love found one to go to, a place for refuge. We have been recognized. We found one who says 'I love You.' Then Our Love makes a feast. But when We cannot find one who says 'I love you', We don't find one who recognizes Us, who listens to Us — one who loves Us. How hard it is to love, not being loved! How I wish that everybody knew that with My Love I sustain them, I hug them, I love them and I make them breathe; I love them and I give them a heartbeat; I love them and I give them speech; I love them and I give them the step; I love them and I give them motion, thinking, food, water.... All that they are and receive is the effect of My flowing Love. So, isn't not loving Me a horrible ingratitude? It is making Our Love a martyr — because We loved, and We are not loved.”

After this, I was thinking to myself: 'but how can the creature know when our Lord tells her His repeated and continuous 'I love you', so that she may return them with her own?' And my sweet Jesus added: “It is indeed very easy to know it, if the creature possesses the Divine Will as her own Life. The Divine Will gives her Its divine hearing, which makes her listen when her Creator tells her 'I love you'. And It gives not only the divine sense of hearing, but also Its divine Word, so that as the hearing listens, the Word says 'I love you'; or better still, even before It says to her 'I love you', she already feels she is about to receive the 'I love you' of her God. So, she makes her 'I love You' meet the divine 'I love you', almost so as to engage in a contest with her Creator.

“My Will wants to give everything to the creature who lives in It. It gives her Its arms to hug her, Its steps to run after her. As We feel Our Divine nature which is all love, and Our need to love — to the extent that, if it were possible to prevent Us from loving, We would suffocate, losing the breath of Our Divine Life; since Our breathing, motion and Our very Will is Love for Us, and it is impossible for Us not to love — in the same way, one who possesses Our Will feels the need to love Us — to always love Us. Therefore, only My Will can put order between the Creator and the creature, keeping her constantly aware of Our Love and Sanctity — putting her in communication with Our Supreme Being.” (Nov 29, 1937, Vol 35).