Article archive


17/11/2022 12:06
All 36 Volumes - English-updated.pdf (13267412)

Wonderful to do searches, studying, etc

17/11/2022 11:33

17/11/2022 00:00
This very complete web page  has a button to translate this Spanish web page into English.  It also has an English section. Particularly, very helpful to to able to read the 36 volumes online. Access here:   ...

about fears, anxieties, etc.

09/12/2015 10:32
“Blessed daughter of my Will, you should know that ones own reflections, impressions, oppressions, melancholies, doubts, little fears, they impede the divine reflections, the holy impressions, the rapid flight toward Heaven, the joys of true good, the celestial peace; they are as so much rubble...


09/12/2015 09:52
The Wonders of Living in the Divine Will Jesus to Luisa: “Moreover it is certain that I have called you first over other souls. Because to no other souls, however much I have loved them, have I shown how to live in My Will — the effects, the marvels, the riches that the creature receives who acts...

Mary in this Kingdom

09/12/2015 09:49
This Kingdom will be called the Kingdom of the Celestial Empress, she will do as Queen in the midst of her children in earth, she will put at their disposition her seas of graces, of sanctity, of power, she will put in flight all enemies, she will raise them in her womb, she will hide them in her...

In Florida the first miracle attributed to Luisa Piccarreta: Mrs. Margarita Maria Chavez

28/11/2015 12:37
NEWSLETTER   The miracle attributed to Luisa 26/11/2015   Here below the translation of the articles of (electronic journal of Corato) by Marianna Lotito and in La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno (one of the most important newspapers in...

By Pope Pius XII

28/11/2015 12:32
"Deep thought to ponder is this, that the salvation of many depends on the actions and holiness of a few."     Pope Pius XII

I want to Love You

28/11/2015 12:16
 Nov 28, 1920  -- Finding myself in my usual state, I saw my always lovable Jesus. In my interior I felt myself all transformed in the love of my beloved Jesus; now I would find myself inside of Jesus - bursting into acts of love together with Jesus, loving as Jesus loved… but I am...

I want to Love You, Jesus

28/11/2015 12:14
February 2, 1921   ‘My Jesus, I want to love You, and I want so much love as to compensate for the love of all generations, which have been, and which will be. But who can give me so much love as to be able to love for all? My Love, in your Will there is the creative strength; therefore in...
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